Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pre-entrance Tests

A couple weeks ago I had to take another pre-entrance test for the nursing program. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to take, that is the second test that I've had to take just to get into the program. Once I taken all the required classes then I have to take another test to get my LPN and then another for my RN. I understand that there has to be some requirements, but my god they expect you to know things that you haven't even had yet. To me that is unbelieveable, you can buy this book that is supposed to help you, but it's $30.00 that I don't have. I don't think that you should have to pay for a book that is for a test that you HAVE to take. I somehow came up with the money and bought the book, and it didn't even help me. The concepts are the same but the questions are completely different. Then after you take the test you have to wait for three weeks to find out how you did on it. Then two more weeks to get the letter from the college, to find out if you did well enough to "pass". To anyone that has to take this three hour test, good-luck your going to need it!

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