Thursday, September 25, 2008

"If you don't have nice things to say then don't say it"

There is a saying that we were taught when we were little, but I think it needs to be said again. In the last week in one of my classes I couldn’t help but overhear what two students were talking about behind me. They were talking about how a certain girl in one of their classes didn’t fit their “profile”. By profile I mean, she didn’t have on the “name brand” clothes. “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it!”
I thought that these students would just say what they had to say and stop, but they kept right on going all through class. It was very annoying; to think they had nothing else better to talk about then this girl for 50 minutes. They were saying that she had on out-of-date clothes, and they were probably from Wal-Mart, they laughed good and hard about that. I hate to be a b***h, but not everyone has a lot of money; they make do with what they have or what they can afford. Yes, I have “name brand” clothes, but I have many things from Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and many other department stores that don’t carry “name brand” clothes. I think that everyone does! These are the kind of people that take things for granite, they are spoiled. It’s great that they have money to buy all the “name brand” clothes, but there is no need to make fun of people that can’t buy those things.
I just thought that this needed to be addressed, if I would’ve known who they were talking about I probably would have went and told her but I don’t know who “she” is. There is nothing worse than people that talk behind your back.


Nikki said...

I agree with you 100 percent! I would like to say I can't believe that you heard this, but honestly I can. People like that have to tear down others to make themselves feel better, and that is what I tell mysefl all the time. I wish that everyone would follow your rule that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean! I can't stand it when people do that. It makes me think that they dont have a life or anything better to do!I just want to give them a peice of my mind. I understand about not always having what you want, there are 6 kids in my family so i completely know what youi are talking about.